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Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yoga. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Chakras in Human Body and Their Functions

Activating your chakras, you will be able to flow with positive energy and advance with good health and good intentions. These chakras are directly connected to each other, maintained by the endocrine system, which creates different power levels by forming a relationship between the lightweight zone and the. This energy is physically absorbed into the body and can affect the body


The Saharan cycle is called 'Crown Chakra' in English, which is on the head and brain. If the Crown Chakra is not active, diseases like Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, Sinel Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, mental disorders, chaos and drowsiness.

Agna Chakra

The Agna cycle is known as 'the bro chakra' in English, which is in the center of the forehead. It's the second of seven cycles. If the Agna cycle is not active, stress, headache, migraine, vision deficiency, glucoma, cataract, pelvis and ear problems.


The relentless cycle is in the throat and lung area. It is the third of seven cycles. If the cycle is not active, thyroid problems may be more or less active, the anxiety (the peril cycle problem, but it is related to the primary throat cycle), the asthma, the lungs, the hearing and the bone problems. They also connect to the problems associated with the azlan cycle, this causes digestive system, mouthpiece, throat ulcer.

Anaatah Chakra

The simplicity cycle is also known as the 'heart cycle'. It is near the heart. It is the fourth of seven cycles. Allergies and breast cancer can be attributed to the fact that the adjuvant cycle is not functional: cardiovascular diseases and immunological diseases: Mayilzia, Encyclopa molitus - sometimes lead to long-term fatigue, immunity, and allergies and breast cancer.


The Manipura cycle is also known as 'Solar Plexus Chakra' in English, which is close to the liver, spleen and stomach. Fifth of the seven cycles. If the Manipura cycle is not active, diabetes, pancreatitis, liver disease, peptic ulcers, pulmonary disease and kidney stones can be triggered.


The Swadisthana cycle is also known as 'sakrale cycle' in English, which is in the area of ​​pregnancy, prostate, uterine and testosterone. It's six in seven cycles. If the auto confirming cycle is not active, premature menstrual problems, problems with ulcerative secretion, uterine cysts, pregnancy cysts, stroke failure, endometriosis, testicular disease, and prostate disease.


The root cycle is called 'the base cycle' in English, and the bottom of the spinal cord. The last cycle of seven cycles is that the constipation cycle is not functional, which causes constipation, Diarrhea, piles, legs and fingertips cooling, frequent urine, hypertension (hypertension), kidney stones, lack of sexual lactation, and buttock problems.

10 Effective Magical Health Benefits by Meditation

Meditation is not just a religious experience. You can say that this is spirituality but it is a way to improve your health primarily. Meditation has many health benefits that you do not know. Meditation is not only mental and emotional health improvement, but Meditation has a lot of physical health benefits. Because your emotional health affects your physical health fit
Meditation can be relieved by stress. Meditation is an essential way to reduce stress in current days. Meditation is not just for mental and physical health, but also for weight loss and meditation to help prevent stress and anxiety disorders. But it is important to know how to do meditation properly. In a straight procedure.

Meditation at the right time can result in many health benefits. Otherwise, this exercise is a waste of time. That means that your concentration may not be somewhere else while maintaining Meditation, keep your mind steady. Other ideas should be made during meditation. Do not do things like phone calls, checking e-mails. You need to spend a lot of time to meditation.

Medication can be avoided as natural and efficient as problems such as insomnia and depression. Other health benefits of Meditation are as follows ... Stress Relief,Helps sleep  Controls anger It helps with easy labor It helps  Reduces Blood Pressure Keeps the emotions consistent Avoid breathing problems

Friday, February 08, 2019

Yoga Health Benefits

The benefits of yoga. Everyday yoga makes our mind peacefully. And we can have good health. Yoga makes many benefits to our body and mind. Our body is yorking at different angles and our body has a beautiful shape. In the same way, we get the peace of mind in Yoga doing quietly. Thus yoga helps us to keep our body and our mind together in a healthy life. You can see the benefits of doing such a yoga.

Peace of mind:

Every day morning yoga makes our thinking increases. And our mind is calm in this period there is a lot of work for everyone, and the lack of happiness in life is lacking in life. So everyday yoga will reduce our stress.

Blood flow:

When yoga is done, we give the body a lot of motion. This will make our blood flow smoothly. Our brain's performance is high.

Energy for the body:

Without any illness in our body, we can get many times in the happiness. It is not enough to follow good food practices like this every day yoga should be done. This is great for body mind and good health.

But in today's time, a lot of food items that are sold in stores and eating fat-eating foods comes from the belly. This can be reduced by yoga. You can easily reduce your caps by performing yoga like Naukasana and Ushatrasana.

Yoga acts as an excellent pain killer. Working in one place is essential for daily yoga this will prevent muscle relaxation and blood circulation will be smooth. So people who have heart problems will get good results.

Mental stress:

Hard worker and Soft worker everyday yoga makes them feel comfortable. Yoga is a great relief for people who are not at peace with stress.

Balanced breathing:

Yoga makes good breath training. The blood flow to the heart will be smooth. This makes the body active.


Yoga can cure cardiovascular disease. By doing yoga daily, the blood flow will change and our heart is safe Yoga makes a good steady breathing because the heart works properly. This will reduce brain problems.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Heart valves

Heart valves, heart valve

Cardiovascular diseases and heart attack are among the most prevalent causes of deaths and hospitalisation worldwide. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says cardiovascular diseases are the world’s largest killers, claiming 17.1 million lives a year, and will become the leading cause of death by 2020.

According to the Australian Self Medication Industry, cardiovascular disease in Australia is responsible for as many as 40% of all recorded deaths, costing the primary health system around $5.5 billion dollars annually. The sad fact is that most cardiovascular diseases are easily preventable though healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and regular exercise. Even more tragic is the fact that most people are either not aware, not willing, or simply lack time and energy to invest in a healthier lifestyle
One of the major culprits of poor cardiovascular health and heart attack is cholesterol, a waxy fat derivate involved in facilitating multiple processes in our body from nutrient exchange and cell protection, to maintaining brain, muscle and bone structure, healthy digestion and pathogen protection. Yet despite its many benefits, cholesterol – like most substances – can be harmful if ingested in high amounts.

In particular, it is the ratio of the two types of cholesterol that is often the source of health problems. The HDL (high density lipoprotein) and LDL (low density lipoprotein) also referred to as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol respectively – need to remain at a certain ratio in order for cholesterol to aid our health. As their names indicate, we need more good than bad cholesterol. While some ratio tolerance exists, it is easy to get to the point where bad cholesterol overshadows the good.

Heart valves, heart valve

Alternative medications offering a natural solution to help reduce elevated cholesterol levels often deliver all the benefits of prescription medications minus the side-effects, presenting an appealing option for heart disease sufferers.

 According to the Dietary Supplement Information Bureau, natural medicines can significantly lower cholesterol without side effects. Natural Medicine studies concur, by indicating that cardiovascular health is significantly improved through use and consumption of calcium, magnesium, folic acid, garlic, ginkgo biloba, globe artichoke leaf, St Mary’s Thistle, omega-3 in fish oils and flaxseeds, psyllium husks, lecithin granules, vitamins B, C & E, multivitamins and nicotine replacement therapies for smokers.

Doctors and Healthcare professionals, however, are always quick to agree that good heart health starts with a balanced healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, regular exercise, and drinking at least 2 litres of filtered water each day.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Best Weight Loss Exercise, Kapalbhati Pranayama

Breathing Exercise

Kapalbhati pranayama is very effectual in set abdomen disorder, obesity, organic process disorder and lots of issues associated to abdomen. Those attempting to loose weight will followKapalbhati pranayama routinely and see 100% results. lets see its profit and the way to try and dokapalbhati Pranayama.

Steps for Kapalbhati Pranayama

1. Sit on the flat floor and fold your legs. keep the spine straight and shut the eyes.

2. left palm on left knee.and Keep the proper palm on right knee

3. currently take a deep breath and absorb air out with all of your force therefore your abdomen can go far within.

4. once you suspire with mocking sound attempt to suppose that your disorders area unitstarting of your nose.

5. don't stress on eupneic. mouthful of air mustn't grip any effort. eupneic are going to be donemechanically once every eupnoeic
6. Repeat these steps for five minute and take rest. you'll be able to increase the time for fifteen –half-hour.

7. mustn't follow in no time. Speed of follow ought to be medium.Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama.

Benefits of Kapalbhati Pranayama.

1. It improves the operate of the lungs and different systema respiratorium.

2. Improves the operate of genital system. Cures ED naturally.

3. Improves the operate of exocrine gland. Helps to supply endocrine internal secretionnaturally.

4. It removes toxins from the body and helps to wash the interior system.

5. Calms the mind and convey stability in mind.

6. terribly effective in weight loss.

7. Cures carcinoma.

8. useful in reducing weight (Belly fat).

9. Keeps depression away and brings positive thoughts.

10. useful in set metastasis diseases as asthma attack, allergies, and sinus.

11. Cure for constipation, acidity, diabetes, asthma attack and every one styles of metastasistroubles, sinus and even hair loss.

12. Cures excretory organ issues and lower down the high creatinine level.

13. Improve the operate of kidneys.


1. Those area unit heart patient ought to do that slowly whereas eupnoeic. you'll be able to do kapalbhati pranayama in morning or evening each the time, however detain mind that you justought to do that on empty abdomen.

2. Pregnant girls mustn't do that.

3. High vital sign patient ought to follow kapalbhati at a slow rate. suggests that threeexhalations per five seconds and force of exhalation ought to be reduced.

4. follow pranayama within the supervising of associate professional yoga teacher onceinforming regarding your whole health.

5. Those women’s feel comfy active pranayama in periods will act otherwise avoid it.