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Showing posts with label Ayurvedic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ayurvedic. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Ayurvedic Remedies for Stop Hair Fall Immediately and Regrowth

Hair has an important role in enhancing beauty. But when the care of the hair is negligent, hair problems begin to arise. Hair loss is such a problem, which can put stress on anyone. Today every other person has to cope with the problem of hair. The reasons for falling hair are not many, like stress, infection, hormones imbalance, insufficient nutrition, deficiency of vitamins and nutritional substances, side effects of medicines, negligence or poor care of hair, shampoo of poor quality Experiment and so on. Ayurvedic treatment of hair fall is also present and it has also been proven beneficial. Let's find out how Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial for hair loss.

 Ayurvedic treatment for hair

There are usually some problems in hair such as fall of hair, white hair, dandruff, head skin diseases, etc. But the problem of hair can be easily overcome by taking precautions.

Honey is capable of removing many diseases. Hair loss can also be stopped by the use of honey.

Cinnamon is also an effective way to remove the hair problem. According to Ayurveda many diseases can be cured by mixing cinnamon and honey.

mix a spoon of honey and a spoon of cinnamon powder in the hot olive oil and make a paste. Put this paste on the head before bathing and wash your head after some time. This will get rid of the problem of hair.

Massage is essential for oil for strong and healthy hair. Massage of the head nourishes hair roots and reduces hair loss.

Heat the henna leaf in sarson oil. Applying in cold hair, it can stop hair loss.

Add curd powder, curry powder to curd. Applying this mixture to hair is deep conditioning of hair.

Take care of hair care as well as food and drink. Eat more of fruits and vegetables. Mixing egg in honey is also good for hair health.

Grind leaves of neem and plum and put lemons and apply them and its constant use stops hair loss.

By adding lemon juice mixed with milk, continuous hair loss decreases.

Hair loss from green tea can be easily prevented.

The problem of hair loss can be overcome by medicinal and oil massaged herbs.

To prevent the problem of hair, massage of hair is considered essential in Ayurveda. In such a way, coconut oil or almond oil should massage the head well.

If you give up tobacco and other drug addiction, then your hair loss will stop automatically.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

13 Simple Home Remedies for Your Kids’ Stomach Pain

In the case of infants, for various reasons such as breastfeeding, fried food, allergies or lactose intolerance to certain foods, your child may complain of stomach ache. Apart from this, this time of year is called Ayurveda, which means that children are at risk of digestive diseases during this period due to seasonal changes and unbalanced bile or fire element. In your kitchen cabinet, easily available ingredients such as cumin, turmeric, rock salt or asafetida, manage stomach symptoms

The report says that 24 percent of children in India can be overweight. This is mainly due to the increase in the consumption of high food items in salt, sugar and fats, which is easily available to children. This has led to an increase in stomach aches, diarrhea, gas, constipation, cramps, acid reflux and other gastric issues between them logically. Ayurveda, as a system of knowledge, also provides a high degree of home remedies for gastric disorders.

According to Ayurveda, the imbalance in the three bioenergy-vat, bile and cotton in the gaushala can increase gastric problems. To make a person's constitution or nature, three faults are combined in different ratios. It includes all factors - physical, mental and emotional - which express the specificity of a person. The imbalance in the gall bladder is called the main cause of gastric problems and increases by eating junk, fried, processed and cold foods. Bile, or fire element, in the mind and body

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Treating Gastric Problems

1. Ghee on the asafoetida and stomach

Take 1 teaspoon asafoetida and mix it in 1 tsp ghee. Heat it until it's lukewarm. Formulation can be applied to the child's stomach four to five times a day until complete relief. It is particularly helpful in stomach pain.

2. Castor oil and asparagus

Take half a spoon of castor oil. Heat it until it's lukewarm. Put it on the Tummy area. After applying, cover the part with betel. Castor oil helps in the treatment of stomach-ache because it stimulates digestive system and improves the useful peristalic in relieving constipation. Castor oil leaves the gas and releases the bowel

3. Cumin and cumin seeds

Take 1 liter of water and put two spoon cumin seeds in it. Heat it and put the contents in a bottle. Ask the child to take a sip all day long. A bottle could also be kept with the child while going to school. It is helpful in better digestion.

4. Ginger and Hing Beans

Take a water of fresh ginger, hing and rock salt. Mix it in water. Boil it and put the ingredients in a bottle. SIP sap and drink

5. Recipe for constipation

Mix 1 tsp fresh ghee and in tsp salt in 1 and one quarter cup of hot water. stir well. Squeeze it slowly. It should be consumed after one hour of dinner.

6. Recipe for bloating

Toast 1 teaspoon fennel seeds and mix in 1 cup boiled water. Some pieces fresh ginger in boiled water, a pinch of hing.

7. Recipe for acid reflux

Combine 1/4 cup plain curd with 3/4 cups of water (or double it by keeping the same proportion). Mix well. Add 1 teaspoon rock salt, pinch cumin seeds (cumin seed), a little grated ginger and fresh coriander leaves.

8. Grind 1 inch ginger

Grind 1 inch ginger in 1 1/4 cup water. Boil it with a little fennel. After boiling it, add a pinch of turmeric powder. Stress and drink.

9. Curd

Curd is considered a very good pro-biotic. Plenty of lacto-basil, curd protects the child from irritable bowel disease and inflammatory bowel disease. However, it is advisable to take yogurt during the day as compared to night.

10. Turmeric, cumin and fennel

Adding turmeric, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, coriander and normally in the diet can help improve the overall digestive tract.

11. Babies burst

Burying the babies like lying on the back, when they are lying, can also be useful in treating stomach pain and leaving the gas.

12. Ayurvedic medicines which can help:

Hingwastak Churna: When rice can be added with 1 teaspoon of garlic. Aids and burns in good digestion.
Amrita Bindu: Take on an empty stomach 4-5 drops are mixed with water.
Amalaputari: The proprietary medicine is used for hyperasiditis.
Gastrointestinal: Helps strengthen digestion.
Aramada Arka: Add 4-5 drops every morning with lukewarm water.
Kumarisawa: improves the function of the liver. If the problem persists, a doctor should consult without delay. Every six months old will help children even better when their digestive system strengthens.

13. Yoga

Yoga and children
Some yoga sessions can also be useful to overcome stomach problems.
Pawanmukta Asana or Pawan Relief Mudrā
It is a very powerful pose that helps the whole digestive system and makes asana easy to practice. This is particularly helpful in addressing stomach pain.
In this situation, thighs are pressed against the stomach and the wrist or elbows are pressed. The neck is tilted towards the knees and if possible, the forehead or chin is touching the knees. The breath is looser.

Ayurvedic Remedies for stop hair fall immediately and Regrowth

Hair has an important role in enhancing beauty. But when the care of the hair is negligent, hair problems begin to arise. Hair loss is such a problem, which can put stress on anyone. Today every other person has to cope with the problem of hair. The reasons for falling hair are not many, like stress, infection, hormones imbalance, insufficient nutrition, deficiency of vitamins and nutritional substances, side effects of medicines, negligence or poor care of hair, shampoo of poor quality Experiment and so on. Ayurvedic treatment of hair fall is also present and it has also been proven beneficial. Let's find out how Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial for hair loss.

 Ayurvedic treatment for hair

Honey is capable of removing many diseases. Hair loss can also be stopped by the use of honey.

Cinnamon is also an effective way to remove the hair problem. According to Ayurveda many diseases can be cured by mixing cinnamon and honey.

If the hair falls, then mix a spoon of honey and a spoon of cinnamon powder in the hot olive oil and make a paste. Put this paste on the head before bathing and wash your head after some time. This will get rid of the problem of hair.

There are usually some problems in hair such as fall of hair, white hair, dandruff, head skin diseases, etc. But the problem of hair can be easily overcome by taking precautions.

Massage is essential for oil for strong and healthy hair. Massage of the head nourishes hair roots and reduces hair loss.

Heat the henna leaf in sarson oil. Applying in cold hair, it can stop hair loss.

Add curd powder, curry powder to curd. Applying this mixture to hair is deep conditioning of hair.

Take care of hair care as well as food and drink. Eat more of fruits and vegetables. Mixing egg in honey is also good for hair health.

Grind leaves of neem and plum and put lemons and apply them and its constant use stops hair loss.

By adding lemon juice mixed with milk, continuous hair loss decreases.

Hair loss from green tea can be easily prevented.

The problem of hair loss can be overcome by medicinal and oil massaged herbs.

To prevent the problem of hair, massage of hair is considered essential in Ayurveda. In such a way, coconut oil or almond oil should massage the head well.

If you give up tobacco and other drug addiction, then your hair loss will stop automatically.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Ayurvedic Remedy for Acne and Pimple

 The problem of Acne is due to changes in hormones in puberty. Acne is due to the hyperactivity and hormones of the cervix gland. If a lot of grains like acne on the face are done and are not cured for a long time, be cautious. It can be akin to Acne can be cured with Ayurvedic treatment. In fact, oil comes out from the Sibashas glands located below the skin to keep the skin moist. These glands are the most on face, back, chest and shoulders.

If this becomes more active, then the stomach gets clogged and the bacteria begin to flourish, which in turn leads to the cause of acne. The main reason for excessive hyperactivity of Sibeshas glands is excess of androgens hormone. Androgen is male sex hormone and it occurs in both boys and girls. It is more in adolescence. Let us tell you about Ayurvedic methods for the treatment of Acne.

 Problem of acne

Some girls come out of acne repeatedly before the periods, which can get worse as the form of acne. After such ovulation, progesterone also occurs due to excessive hormone accumulation. From this, the skin becomes like tiny bits of small grains. Similarly, the sebace generated from the sebaceous glands causes the skin pigment to block the pores and blackheads are formed. Whiteheads are formed if the sebum is stored in the inner layer of the skin. Blackheads and whiteheads sometimes break apart after exposure to the skin, which can spread more and more on the outer skin.

In fact, hormones are constantly changing in the tunez; the result is the problem of stains, spots, acne and acne on the face. Acne is a problem that is usually higher in teenage and puberty. Even if your mother or father has had this problem in your family even before, so you should be prepared to defend against this. Acne is a skin disorder. In a way, it is an impaired form of acne.


Grind chironji in the cow's fresh milk and apply it on the face and wash it on dry, it will get rid of the problem of acne.

Jasmine oil

Mix jasmine oil in Suhaga and put it on the face while sleeping at night. Wet the gram flour in water in the morning by putting it on a thick, thick face and wash the face with water. This will give great relief on the burning sensation on the face.

Masoor lentils

Take 2 teaspoons of lentils and grind them fine. Mix a little milk and ghee in it and make a thin paste. Put this paste on acne.


Nutmeg is also very beneficial to remove acne. For this, pour water on a clear stone and throw nicely on the nipple.

Other Ayurvedic Measures

 Mix 10-10 grams of pure typography and potency (available in Ayurvedic shops) and fill them in a vial. Put a little powder and honey well on the nail-peas.

Lodh, Wacha and Coriander, grate the three 50-50 grams of fine flour and fill them in the vial. Mix one spoonful of powder with some milk and make the paste and apply on the nail-acne. Wash with water after half an hour.

Mix white mustard, laddha, wacha and sandha with 25-25 grams of fine powder and mix it in a vial. Mix one spoon powder into the water and apply on the nail-acne.

Mix lentils, bot trees (soft little leaves), laddra, red sandal, all 10-10 grams of fine powder. Make a paste by grinding it with a spoonful of water. Put it on the nail-acne.

Along with Ayurveda treatment, it is important to keep facial cleanliness in order to avoid the problem of acne, so wash the face repeatedly with water. Minimize make-up and use waterproof makeup in the summer.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ayurvedic Remedies For Improving Digestion

Digestion is a problem that is present in most people. Due to the changing weather conditions and lifestyles, digestion problem is rising. Rice is rare, gastric and gastric problems. To get rid of them, did not have to go to the pharmacy shop. Home can be checked with digestive problems through simple Ayurvedic methods. Let's see now

1. Drink hot water all day. Take even hot water when dinner.

2. Do not take any other tasks while eating. Take food under a good environment and take food. Do not watch TV while eating.

3. Take a small ginger piece, fresh lemon juice before meals.

4. A glass of lassi is good when it is lunch at midday meal.

5. Fill in soft drinks, ice cream & zwnj; cool food items.

6. Make lunch in the afternoon. But take dinner for a while. Dinner is better than 8 in the night.

7. Relax after a meal. Breathe well. Walk on it a little bit.

If you do this daily, your digestive system can do well. Abdominal, gastric, stomach and other abdominal problems are solved.