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Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fitness. Show all posts

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Health Benefits of Bananas

Due to the abundance of filament in bananas, it is helpful to clean the stomach.

Burning of skin or mosquito bites on the inner part of the banana peel that if rubbing on the place, the irritation becomes calm and the redness of mosquito bites is removed.

Regular banana benefits both body and mind.

People who want to quit smoking should take banana after a short period of time so that the body can be helped to get rid of nicotine.

Due to iron in bananas, anemia patients can regulate it. Increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood regularly consumes banana.

The inner part of the banana peel acts as a face pack on the skin. This causes nail, acne, chest and stains - the stains are clear. Rubbing the inside part of the direct skin can rub on the neck, face and arms. Skin will sprout.

Banana is antiseptic. Heals the heart's irritation.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Facts About Nutritional Value Of Fruits And Vegetables

In this natural event, there is a lot to learn about your nutrition. Colourful fruits and vegetables have been shown to contain more food minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, bioflavonoid and other nutrients that support balanced food.

If you remember the colours of your food, it's easy to find out what to eat and what to avoid. Here's a simple, easy guide for you,

Purple & Blue

All foods containing blue / purple pigments such as jamun (Indian plum), damson plums, beets, purple grape and purple cabbage have antioxidant compounds that protect your body from pre-radios that damage your cells (damaging cells and providing you with age vision). Your physiological engine helps you to operate easily.


Chlorophyll found in green tattoos has anti-and anti-toxic properties. In addition, chlorophyll pigmented green leaves contain carotenoids, bioflavonoids, vitamins and organic mineral resources. In short, a healthy, long life is a medicine!

Yellow & Orange

These colored fruits and vegetables are predominantly immune to increased carotenoids. Orange foods like carrots, pumpkins, yellow capsicums, mangoes, papaya and cape goose berries (ras bare in north India) are the best and best option for you.


Natural foods come in red colour lipobind.These have been shown to prevent heart disease and prostate cancer. In addition they prevent tissue degeneration. Tomatoes, watermelons, pink fruits, walnut fruit and pink kaiyyas are definitely to be taken. Cooked tomatoes are also beneficial (when they heat the lipophene when warming) so tomato sauce, tomato paste and tomato puree are good.

Avoid white

A rainbow does not have whitish colour, as well as in your diet too! We must avoid white powder, salt, sugar and butter with this pale colour. The main component of the simplest carbohydrates is refined white sugar, which makes it unhealthy for your digestive system and rapidly affects your digestive system

Saturday, February 02, 2019

17 Quick Tips to Increase Your Health and Fitness Benefits

1 Tremendous fitness

You do not have to sweat in the gym to get health and tremendous fitness. You can achieve some of the easy steps you can make in your routine to get better fitness. Let's know some similar measures that will keep you fit.

2 Breakfast will keep energy rich

Healthy Breakfast is very important in the morning. If you do not have breakfast properly, you have to face many problems like fatigue and weight gain.

3 Have breakfast in the morning

From today you must include two bananas in your breakfast. By eating only two bananas in the daily breakfast, you will be energetic throughout the day. Also, you will also be protected from your heart diseases.

4 Ten Minute Exercise

Take just 10 minutes for yourself in the morning. In these 10 minutes, go to the park and do whatever you like from light races, yoga, body weight exits etc.

5 Burn Calories Burn

Do not use the lift in the office, but use the stairs. With this you will be able to burn extra calories in the body.

6 Keep this thing in dinner

You should always try that you must have dinner at eight o'clock in the night. Eat as little as possible in dinner. Apart from this, you should not eat any sweet at night.

7 Frozen Food once a week

If you feel very much at eating fest meals, then set a day for it and enjoy fest food on this day. By eating more fat food you become victim of obesity.

8 Massage Watch

Once a week, massage the hair and whole body. You can use mustard oil, olive and coconut oil for massage. Massage is beneficial in many ways as well as strengthening your muscles.

9 Removal time to rotate

Do not be a machine to earn money, but with your whole family, go out for some days in two or three months for a few days. In the meantime, enjoy the picnic full from the tension of the office work.

10 Five minutes of meditation

Any time you take your meditation for five minutes at any time throughout the day, definitely do it. During this, just focus on your breaths. This will reduce your stress and improve your work.

11 Eat plenty of salad

Eat raw ingredients in the food. Eat as much as possible of salad with food. Include sprouts and pulses in the food.

12 Get up early in the morning

Make a habit of getting up early in the morning and sleeping early in the night. By doing just that, more than half of your health related problems will be removed.

13 Seasonal Fruit Consumption

By consuming more than seasonal fruits, you keep away from diseases. Include these fruits in your breakfast and lunch. You can also consume their juice.

14 Include dry fruits in snacks

Include dry fruits in morning and evening snacks. During this, consuming dry fruits in a certain amount of time is good for your health.

15 Drink plenty of water

Drink a minimum of three to four litres of water in the summer season or winter day. Drinking less water can cause us many types of diseases
16 Do not drink water after eating

Leave the habit of drinking water immediately after eating food. This does not digest your food properly. There should be a gap of at least 30 to 50 minutes to eat food and drink water.

17 Avoid cold water from the fridge

Do not drink cold frozen cold water at all by coming from heat, it weakens your body. Always drink fresh water in the fridge water.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Muscle building diet workout plan

Many of us spend countless hours at the gym for muscles. While we do not think more things are necessary along with the gym. A good diet is also important for this. Remember that extra calories and nutrition are needed to increase our body's muscles. Let us give you information on how to raise muscles faster.

Biceps and triceps workout

Through this your muscles of the biceps will grow faster and stronger. For this you can go to the gym and take training. To exercise bisep, hold the dumbles in front and stand. Keep palms on the front, keep the waist straight and sew on the front. Moving the elbow slowly bring the dumbles to your shoulder, then take it back. Lay the waist band on the bench for the triacyp, then hold the dumbles higher than the head, the palms facing each other. Moving the elbows, move the dumbles from head to bottom. Bring the Dumbles back to their starting position. Initially, set a set of 15 to 20 of these two to 3-4 sets. It can be done either by standing and sitting on the bench or sitting in both ways.

Push ups

To make muscle faster, you can push up, you do not need to go to the gym to do this. Push ups can be easily done at home too. One of the many advantages of push ups is that it is such a workout for a wide chest that you can do anywhere. To do this, lie on the floor of the stomach. Raise the body with both hands and bring it down. This increases the chest muscles and the side will be strong.

Bench Press & Abdominal Crunch

The bench press increases the chest muscles. Lay the bench on the bench for this and hold the barbell with both hands. Pick it up and down 12 to 15 times. This will strengthen the chest muscles and the sew will be wide. Lend straight on the ground to do crossover abdominal and twist your legs like a scissor. After that, move both of your hands behind the head. Raise the body with the help of hands and touch the two holes with knees. Breath the elbows while knocking the knees and leave them breathless. Do this 8-12 times.

Right diet for Muscles

Protein is necessary

If you want to increase the muscles with workouts, then you should take high protein diet. Because the protein is very important for building muscles. It not only builds muscles, but also repairs the breakdown in our body. People who workout should take specially-fed diets containing protein complexes. But avoid taking a protein supplement. Green vegetables, whole grains, fruits, dried fruits, meat etc. are the natural sources of protein.

Vitamins and mineral

Vitamins and minerals too have an important role in enhancing the muscles. So add protein, as well as mineral, vitamins and carbohydrates in your diet chart. There are good sources of rice, wheat, millet, porridge, cashew nuts, walnuts, chicken, dairy products, egg vitamins and mineral. Regularly eat these

Water and comfort is also important

Nutrition and hard work, along with water and comfort, are also essential for speeding up the mother patias. Water keeps moisture in our joints, muscles etc. Its deficiency can lead to tightness, pain, etc. in joints and muscles, which can lead to problems during workouts. Drinking water also keeps the skin soft. Also, make a lot of rest; take 7-8 hours of sleep. If you want to speed up your muscles then exercise and diet should be an important part of your life. Apart from this, positive thinking and patience are also very important.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Quick weight loss foods

Weight training exercises should be done. Most people do not have clarity on what foods should be followed. Many people have more problems with diving. By doing so, your health is totally damaging. You can lose weight easily, while taking healthy food. So simple enough to have five tips.


 Most breakfast does not eat properly. This results in weight loss and side effects. So good nutrition breaks should be taken correctly. Breaks with oats have many advantages. Carbohydrates in them are useful for your health. Try to eat breakfast that can be prepared as soon as possible. This gives your body good proteins. Your Blood Sugar is controlled by oats. Innes line levels are fixed in your body. Fat will not grow.


Milk and milk products are rich in calcium. It works best in calcium to stronger the bones in your body. But if you take milk butter milk, your fat will be reduced easily.

Protein- rich diet: 

Fibre is rich in dietary proteins. This kind of diet can be a great help to your health in the long run. Make sure you have high proteins in the diet you consume.

Seeds with Seeds: 

This diet gives your body more carbohydrates. It is possible to digest soon. Foods made of sorghum, sage, copper and similar grains are good. This diet contains your blood sugar controls.

 Snacks that can help: 

Make sure you have a lot of snacks in your snacks and do not have salt. Take as many as almonds and walnuts as snacks. Proteins give energy to the body. Also without fat. Doing this does not hurt your health. Burden will be reduced.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fitness Tips for Teenagers

 Fitness ,Tips for ,Teens

If you're pregnant, confer with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. Raise regarding the activities that area unit right for you

Exercise –Fitness Tips means of life

 If you're not often active, begin bit by bit. Walk a trifle additional or elevate light-  weight weights. Increase the quantity of weights once you area unit prepared.

Choose activities that you simply like. Perhaps you'd wish to dance reception. Walk briskly whereas you shop or whereas chatting together with your succor.

Find out once you wish to exercise. Area unit you a morning or a night person? If you're busy, slash your exercise into 10-minute sessions throughout the day.

Spare your occasional cash and check out physical exercise to remain awake! Exercise will offer you the energy-boost that you simply would like.

Team up with friends therefore you'll encourage one another. Or, be a part of a gaggle activity and create new friends whereas exercising!

Map you’re walking or running route. Choose a secure means that's well-lit and doesn't have absent sidewalks. Create use of a town map or create a map on-line at web.mapmyrun.com/search.

If you have got a smart phone, use apps to help you exercise and be track with goals. If you're pregnant, check that the activities you decide on area unit safe for your gestation. Confer with your doctor and skim the security recommendations on ensuing page.

Just MOVE –every day Fitness Tips anytime and anywhere!

Walk to places that area unit close. Park your automobile or get off the bus farther faraway from you're going.
Do chores that get you moving — walk the dog, mow the field, vacuum, pull weeds, or wash the automobile.
Use any likelihood to induce up and move around. Each little makes a difference! Here are a unit

Some ideas:

Take the steps rather than the elevator.
Walk or ride a motorcycle to high school.
Be active in education (P.E.) class.
Stretch or run in situ whereas looking at TV.
Remember that each one physical activity is nice for you—sports planned exercise, menage chores, even yard work.

Make it a family affair— Fitness Tips, exercise together with your family!

 Fitness ,Tips for ,Teens
If you are taking care of younger youngsters, doesn’t simply check out them play mark or kick a ball. be a part of them! you'll conjointly push swings or mount the toy.
Take young youngsters on a get into the stroller. Not solely will this exercise your whole body, it will facilitate place youngsters to sleep!

Help your families keep healthy. Exercise with folks, grandparents, and youngsters to assist forestall cardiovascular disease or sort a pair of polygenic disease. They’re going to be happy once you area unit healthy. strive saltation to music or walking together with your family.

Get toned by building muscles

When you're employed your muscles, they burn calories even once you don't seem to be operating out! operating your muscles may assist you look healthier and toned. you'll carry things additional simply.

You will do muscle-strengthening activities whereas taking note of music or perhaps before of the TV! strive lifting weights or water bottles or do some crunches.

No gym? No problem!

You don't would like a fitness center or need to do high-intensity workouts. Creating little changes, like walking additional, is simply as effective. and every one you wish could be a try of shoes!

You will create a not expensive athletic facility specifically reception. raise your case manager for the handout, the way to create a Home athletic facility.

Safety Tips

Warm up and stretch before you exercise.
Wear athletic shoes that area unit for walking or running.
Wear bright consumer goods once it’s dark.
Use sun blocker. Drink enough water.
To avoid overheating; don't exercise in hot, wet weather or once you have a fever.
Wear a helmet and cushioning if athletics or biking. Pregnant teens shouldn't skate or bike.
Talk to your doctor if you're feeling light-headed, your chest hurts, or if you have got nausea, severe muscle pain, or joint pain as these might be signs of one thing wrong.
If you're pregnant, converse to your doctor before initial AN exercise program.

After doing therefore, remember:

Do not aqualung dive, ski, or play contact sports like football, basketball and hockey. These activities are often harmful for your gestation.
     Do not do jumping activities. Avoid fast motions that might strain your joints.
    Do not do activities with a high risk of falling, like athletics or horseback-riding.
    After the primary trimester, avoid exercises that need lying down on your back.

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Tips to help you start the day better

Are you guilty of wearing out the snooze button on your alarm clock? Do you wake up feeling tired and fatigued, no matter how much sleep you received the night before? Do you need a pick-me-up every morning just to get the day started? If you answered yes to any of these, a solution to your problems may be easier than you think.

Here are some tips to help you start the day better:


• Exercise often

• Listen to relaxing music before bed

• Consume foods containing melatonin or serotonin in the evening

• Have a shower in the morning

• Ensure you eat a wholesome and healthy breakfast every day

• Make sure your mattress and pillows are clean and comfortable


• Eat a heavy meal shortly before bed

• Drink any caffeine or alcohol in the evening

• Take any work to bed

• Have heavy conversations or arguments before bed

• Watch confronting or scary television before sleep

• Rush yourself in the morning

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Top Healthy Foods to extend Weight quick

Top Healthy Foods to extend Weight quick Friends solely exercise isn't enough, you've got to consume following healthy foods to extend weight. Combining yoga, athletic facility and healthy food will certainly boost your energy, metabolism and appetence to extend your weight. Gaining weight isn't tough however avoid a lot of oily and deep deep-fried foods. it's dangerous for your health and will cause heart issues, polygenic disease and pressure level. What you eat it ought to digest simply and for that you simply have to be compelled to exercise daily.

Follow some foods that square measure packed with proteins, mineral, calories, fibers and nutrients and smart for gaining weight and building muscles.

1 Dry Fruits

Top Healthy Foods to extend Weight quick

Dry Fruits

Dry fruits like Cashews, Walnuts, Almonds, Raisins, Date, Peanuts square measure a decent supply of fiber, nutrients and calories. as well as dry fruits in our diet is incredibly effective to extend weight and strengthening muscles.dry-fruit to extend Weight quick

2 Bread Butter

Top Healthy Foods to extend Weight quick

Bread Butter

Those folks wish to realize weight ought to consume butter daily as a result of it contains a lot of quantity of saturated fats. you'll relish butter with bread and snacks. you'll take clarified butter or butter as a result of each square measure effective to extend weight.butter to extend weight quick

3 Egg omelet

Top Healthy Foods to extend Weight quick

Egg Omelet

The egg could be a smart supply of of vitamins, nutrients, minerals, omega-3 fatty acid carboxylic acid and proteins. as well as egg omelette, milk, bread and banana square measure wonderful breakfast to extend weight quick. therefore don't avoid egg.omelet to extend weight quick

4 Milk

A Healthy Diet Equals Beautiful Skin


Milk could be a nice supply of macromolecule, metal and a number of other nutrients. terribly essential for healthy bones and muscle building. Drink one glass of milk throughout breakfast moreover as once you exercise to recover your body desires.milk to extend weight quick

5 Chicken or Lean Meats

Top Healthy Foods to extend Weight quick

Chicken or Lean Meats

Including chicken or lean meat in your diet will certainly increase your weight and muscle owing to it’s a good supply of proteins and calories.chicken or lean meat to extend weight quick

6 Pasta

A Healthy Diet Equals Beautiful Skin


Pasta contains a lot of quantity of carbohydrates, essential nutrients and calories. wonderful food supplement for those wish to realize weight

Saturday, September 20, 2014

10 tips for Family fitness

10 tips for Family fitness
Family Fitness

 Get kids away from TV
 1 Find them a sport

Showing normal-weight kids are more likely to participate in sport than overweight or obese kids, sport is for every child. If your child feels they lack the skills for netball and football, introduce them to less common sports such as volleyball or badminton. It’s less likely that ‘sporty’ kids will be involved in these sports, which gives timid kids time to practise their skills, boost their confidence levels and enjoy sport.

 2 Be good role models

Do you sit on the couch at every chance? Because if you do, there’s very little chance your kids will be enthusiastic about exercise. As kids imitate their parents’ actions, they’ll adopt a healthy lifestyle and make exercise a priority if their parents do. Talk positively to your kids about exercise and encourage them to maintain their fitness efforts.

Avoid ‘nagging’ your partner

 3 Don’t make an issue out of it

Nothing will turn your partner off more than hearing you harp on about the benefits of exercise. So instead of nagging him to stop being a couch potato, ask him to help you get fit. Plan enjoyable training sessions together – the couple that plays together, stays together

4 Give them a fitness gift

Is it birthday time again? Instead of buying the man in your life a larger shirt, why not purchase a male-friendly activity for him to enjoy. Try adrenalin-pumping pursuits such as white-water rafting, rock-climbing, surfing lessons or even an outdoor adventure pack. Or you could give him a personal training pack or buy a punching bag for the backyard.Just be prepared – he may want you to join in on the fun!

 Sneak exercise into everyone’s day

 5 Actively commute to school and work

Parents, teenagers and children can benefit from actively commuting to work and school. One US study found that children who walk or cycle to school are not only more active, but have better cardiovascular fitness than children who are driven or catch public transport. While for adults, actively commuting to work promotes a positive attitude towards physical activity. Overcome child safety issues by enrolling them in the Walking School Bus program. If you live too far from work to actively commute the whole way, do it part of the way instead.

.6 Play together

Kids love it when their parents take interest in them, especially when an activity is involved. Take your kids to the park, kick a footy together, throw a ball, and teach them to swim or fly a kite. Socialising with your kids has been proven to boost their self-esteem, which makes it more likely they will remain active in their adulthood. As parents you will also benefit from the quality time you’ll spend with your kids.

Stop the excuses

Put the family on fitness plan

Do your kids complain when told to go outside instead of playing on the computer? Or is your partner constantly on the couch watching television? Then it’s time to put your whole family on a fitness plan. The plan needs not be difficult – just add in small changes that will deliver big results. Send the message that physical activity is a fun, healthy habit that makes you feel fantastic. One US family fitness study showed that when 68 children and their families were put on a 12-week healthy lifestyle plan, two thirds had better self-esteem and a whopping 81 per cent improved their body mass index. So get planning

8 Plan for all eventualities

All of us have made excuses at some time for why we can’t exercise and stay fit. We may say it’s too cold; or there’s no time; or we’re too tired. But, these excuses are sabotaging our efforts to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Overcome your excuses with a plan. If it’s pouring outside, move your training inside with a workout DVD or a trip to the indoor swimming pool. Or if you’re too tired, make that an extra reason to get active as exercise boosts energy levels.


9 Make exercise accessible

Instead of purchasing video games, DVDs and other electronic equipment for family members’ birthdays, give them skipping ropes, tennis racquets, soccer Balls, netballs and any other exercise equipment you can think of. Leave them in an accessible and visible position and encourage your family to use them as much as possible.

10 Make it fun

10 tips for Family fitness

Fun and creative exercise programs are more likely to get your family involved. So instead of making exercise a chore, make it a fun day out in the park, a family cycling day or a ritual tennis round robin.