A Boons for life

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Health Benefits of Bananas

Due to the abundance of filament in bananas, it is helpful to clean the stomach.

Burning of skin or mosquito bites on the inner part of the banana peel that if rubbing on the place, the irritation becomes calm and the redness of mosquito bites is removed.

Regular banana benefits both body and mind.

People who want to quit smoking should take banana after a short period of time so that the body can be helped to get rid of nicotine.

Due to iron in bananas, anemia patients can regulate it. Increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood regularly consumes banana.

The inner part of the banana peel acts as a face pack on the skin. This causes nail, acne, chest and stains - the stains are clear. Rubbing the inside part of the direct skin can rub on the neck, face and arms. Skin will sprout.

Banana is antiseptic. Heals the heart's irritation.

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