A Boons for life

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Healthy Foods for Healthy Eyes

Healthy Foods for Healthy Eyes

Your eyes are said to be the windows to your soul and keeping them healthy is important. You can have natural eye health with a diet rich in the nutrients that your eyes need to function properly and stay healthy. It is true that you can have a profound effect on your Overall health by what you include in your daily diet. A diet rich in fresh foods is the best for your entire body and there are specific foods you can eat that will directly benefit your eyes. To understand how important eye health is it is good to start with an overview of this very important organ.

How You’re Eyes Work

The part of your eyes that you can see include the pupil – the small opening that light passes through; the iris – the colored part of your eye; and the sclera – the white part of your eye. Your iris and pupils are covered by a clear lens like structure called the cornea. Eyes focus, the vitreous cavity filled with fluid, the retina that lines the back of your eyeball and containsthe nerves and structures cones and rods that let you see black and white along with colors, and the optic nerve which runs from the back of your eyes to your brain. Your eyes move through the motion of six muscles located around each eye.

Common Threat to Your Site

One of the most common diseases of the eyes is Macular degeneration. There are two types of macular Degeneration. The first type is dry and is caused by leakage of blood from the blood vessels in your retina, macular degeneration will progress to the wet stage if blood vessels in your eyes and is characterized by swelling of the macula that is located in the center of your retina. If not treated both types can cause a loss of sight or blindness.

Is Macular Degeneration Preventable?

The good news is it is preventable. What you eat and having healthy habits can help you to prevent this common condition. Foods that you can include in your diet for eye health include:

• Carrots which are high in Vitamin A. Vitamin A have been known for its health benefits for many years.

• Tomatoes contain a high amount of lycopene that Supports eye health. When you cook tomatoes the amount of lycopene increases making them easy to add to your diet in many dishes.

Garlic has a substantial amount of selenium. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and protects the
Cells in your body from damage from free radicalsand keeps your tissues elastic.

• Fish is high in Omega 3 essential fatty acids.Omega 3 supports your circulatory system andhas anti-inflammatory properties.

• Spinach contains Vitamin C and Caretenoids.Vitamin C is the wonder vitamin and supports your
circulatory system, supports your immune system,helps prevent diseases such as cancer, depressionand many more benefits. Caretenoids are made up of compounds of Vitamin A and beta-carotene. It is what gives fresh vegetables their rich colors. Caretenoids have anti-cancer and antioxidant propeties. Lutein is a caretenoid that has many benefits for your eyes. It is an antioxidant, promotes circulation. When combined with Zeaxanthin the benefits of both nutrients are increased. Foods that are high in both include:
• Brussels Sprouts
• Corn
• Eggs
• Leeks
• Kale
• Romaine Lettuce
• Garden Peas
• Pumpkin
• Turnip Greens
• Zucchini

Natural Supplements for Eye Health

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is used as a supplement for eye health and contains antioxidants known as anthrocyanidins. Bilberry was used during WWII by British pilots in the form of Billberry jam before their night missions because it dramatically improved their night vision. Today you can either include bilberries in  your diet or take natural supplements. Bilberry works by increasing circulation in your eyes and increases your tolerance for light. You can have healthy eyes and prevent eye diseases like macular degeneration through your diet and natural supplements. It is easy to include eye-healthy  food into your diet and keep our eyes seeing your  world clearly.

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