A Boons for life

Friday, March 29, 2019

Best Potato Juice for Skin Whitening, Fair, and Smooth Skin

Many dish made from potato will have eaten up till now, but do you know that it is also very beneficial for your skin and hair. It is similar to boon for every problem related to your skin like pimples, dark circles etc. Let us know how to use potato juice for hair and

To remove the complaint of the pump, add lemon juice and little maltani clay to potato juice in a bowl. Put the prepared paste on the face. Remember to clean the face before applying this pack. Whether you want to clean the face with rose water first. Keep face pack for 15 to 20 minutes on face. After that wet the hands and clean it by doing it. Put this pack in 3 to 4 times a week and then see

The Dark Circle spoils good face. For this, keep the cotton wool dip in potato juice and then keep this cotton for 10 to 15 minutes on the eyes. You can cut potatoes and keep its slices as well. It helps to remove wrinkles around the eyes along with the dark circle.

Potato juice is very beneficial for hair. It helps in getting rid of hair loss and dandruff problems. For this, you have to prepare the mask by mixing aloe Vera gel and one spoon honey in potato juice. Once in a week, apply this mask to massage the hair for an hour. After this, wash the hair with water only. Shampoo hair after the next day.

Potato juice cleans the skin. Add raw milk to potato juice and put it on the skin and neck three times a week with the help of cotton. In a few days, you will see its effect. There will be a different glow on your skin.

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