Healthy Boons

A Boons for life

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

TOP 10 Home Remedies for Cough


 Home remedies and remedies for cough : Everyone wants to know cough medicine. Often people get upset with cough, but do not understand how to identify the symptoms of dry cough. For this, people seek cough tablets or good home remedies for dry cough or cough medicine with phlegm. But before this, the symptoms of cough need to be identified. So let us tell you today that the panacea in cough, home remedies and the English medicine of cough, can also be left behind, which will give you relief from every kind of cough. If you are also troubled by cough,So, if you are looking for some effective home remedies before taking any medicine or cough syrup, then we can help you. Yes, we are going to tell you that such an effective home remedy (Natural Cough Remedies) which will help you in relieving cough, will help and cure cough medicine or cough panacea- 

10 home remedies for cough Natural Cough Remedies

1. You can use hot water and salt as an effective cough medicine. For this, you can gargle with a pinch of salt in hot water. By doing this you will get relief from throat pain caused by cough.

2. Amla is considered very effective for cough. Amla has vitamin-C, which improves blood circulation. You can increase the source of anti-oxidants by including amla in your food. This will strengthen your immunity.

3. They say not a hundred blacksmiths of a goldsmith. So just, water also does something similar in cough. If you are suffering from cough then drink hot water. This will help reduce frozen phlegm in the throat. 

4. Add half a teaspoon of honey to a pinch of cardamom and some lemon juice. Take this mixture two to three times a day. This home remedy can prove to be a panacea for cough. 

5. Many people take English medicine for cough, but taking it causes sleepiness and its side effects too. You can take turmeric milk instead. Turmeric milk contains antioxidants. Apart from this, turmeric also has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, which are helpful in fighting infection. So you can use turmeric milk as a cough medicine.

6. Garlic is also effective in relieving cough. For this, you have to roast garlic in ghee and eat it hot. 

7. If you are suffering from cough then drink ginger juice. You can take more advantage of it by adding honey to it. 

8. As we have said, both ginger and salt give relief from throat pain in cough. So if both are eaten together then it will prove more beneficial. All you have to do is to eat salt with ginger pieces.

9. Pomegranate juice also gives relief from cough. But for this, you have to add not only pomegranate, but a little applique powder and ginger.

10. Mucus often occurs with cough. It produces discomfort and pain. To avoid this, you can mix black pepper in desi ghee. Will feel relieve

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Benefits Of Aloe Vera Juice, Drinking 30 Ml Daily Can Stay Healthy

In Indian homes, the treatment of every disease is found in the kitchen itself. Aloe vera plants were always planted in my home garden. Because aloe vera may be a small plant to see, but its properties are well known.

Aloe vera has many benefits, whether you are using it for health, skin care, hair. At first I was not aware of the benefits of aloe vera. But later when I started studying, I came to know that Elora has a lot of benefits.

Most people on the internet also learn about Aloe Vera

benefits of aloe vera :

For health
For skin
For hair care
The right way to drink aloe vera juice
Disadvantages of aloe vera
This is what we search for.

In this article, I will tell you about the benefits of 12 Aloe Vera. If you drink only 30 ML aloe vera juice daily then you will see many changes in your daily life too.

By the way, aloe vera is known by many names. Such as - Ghritkumari in Hindi, Ghee Guar, Kalabanda in Telugu, Qatralai in Tamil, Kumari in Malayalam, Lolisara in Kannada, Korfada in Marathi and Ghritkumari in Bengali, while it is written as Aloe Vera in English.

Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

Aloe Vera juice is a treasure trove of nutrition. Nutrients are present in aloe vera for every organ of the body. Then the matter should be about health, skin and hair. Aloe vera contains many nutrients such as vitamins, folic acid, iron, calcium, magnesium.

Apart from our stomach, skin, aloe vera is also beneficial in diseases like diabetes and cancer. Apart from this, you can also use it in dry skin, sunburn and hair problems.

Benefits of Aloe Vera
1. Aloe Vera Juice For Weight Loss

Take a look around us. In your workplace, even in college, people will find you upset with obesity. The reason for all these problems is our deteriorated lifestyle and wrong eating habits. According to a report, due to deteriorated lifestyle, more than 5% of the population of our country is facing obesity.

Institutions such as the Indian Heart Association have declared obesity an epidemic in India. In such a situation, if we drink aloe vera juice daily, then we can easily get rid of this problem. Aloe vera is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, they are helpful in reducing our weight.

According to one study, eating more than Aloe vera helps in reducing obesity.  It burns the frozen fat in our body fast. Apart from this, the process of fat freezing in the body also starts to reduce. Aloe vera is also beneficial for people suffering from diabetes and obesity.

Friday, March 29, 2019

7 Tips to Stop Hair Fall and Strengthen Hair

There are many reasons behind hair fall. Like hair to be weak, reduction in hair growth, changes in hormones, use more of the right diet or lack of hair products. None of these can be the reason for your hair loss. If this problem is high then consult with hair specialist. At the same time, if the problem of hair loss is the same as the rest of the rest and you also want to stop it, read the tips below -

1. Onion juice contains sulphur content. This helps in the development of hair while promoting the production of collagen present in the tissue. That is why put juice of 10 to 15 minutes on the scalp. Wash the hair with mild shampoo after half an hour.

2. Give aloe vera massage to the hair. Take two teaspoons aloe vera juice once a week. You can also make juice from Fresh Aloe vera pulp. Massage hair and scalp and wash it after half an hour.

Read Also : Ayurvedic Remedies for Stop Hair Fall Immediately and Regrowth

3. Put fenugreek paste paste for life in lifeless hair. For this, soak two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds at night. Pour it in the mix in the morning, keep the paste thick. Now put it on the hair Wash the hair after an hour.

4. Massage the hair with olive oil. Blood massage from the oil masses in the right way and ends the stomach with hair roots. It strengthens the hair, which reduces the rupture of them. Massage of Bhringraj oil also removes baldness and enhances hair.

5. Lemon can also prevent hair from falling. Use of lemon juice can be found in Russian. For this, rinse the lemon on the head skin with light hands. Continuing this for many days will benefit from this.

6. The egg helps greatly in the growth of hair. If you do not like egg smell then mix it with curd and put it in the hair. For this, mix the white part of an egg in two teaspoons curd and apply it on the hair.

7. To strengthen hair, your hair care routine has a lot of gastronomy. Bleach, straighteners, dye and many types of cosmetics on the hair make them weak and lifeless. Because of which, these are the biggest causes of hair breakdown. To save hair, take less chemical products or serviced.

Top Tips, Which are Essential for Facial Care in the Summer

Summer has arrived and many problems brought together. Somewhere in the skin, the problem of health related to home makes it home in this season. You need many home remedies to stay healthy in this season.

Many times the summer proves to be a very bad time for the skin. In the summer there are skin problems, grains and many other skin problems. If you want to keep your skin healthy this summer, then follow these tips.

Use all-purpose cream in the summer and rainy season. Doing so will keep your skin from both the summer and rainy season.

Too much sunlight is damaged for your skin. The direct sunlight of the sun overcomes collagen and elastic tissue of the skin. So do not forget to use sunscreen lotions.

In the summer, make-up, oops ... thinking tension happens. But sometimes it becomes necessary. Many job profiles are such that it is mandatory to make makeup. In such a way make a vanishing cream before making make-up on the face. Doing this makes makeup look right. And the hot weather does not bother you too.

If your work is such that you have to stay in Dhoom for a long time, then do not allow water to flow in your body. Drink more water and drink juice and drink as soon as possible.

Try that if not more then at least once a week, you should use Natural Face Pack. In this, you can apply turmeric or sandalwood paste, aloe vera paste etc. on the face.

Dry skin in the summer is very upset. If your skin is dry, then peel the banana to take care of it and grind it well and then apply this paste in the face.

Keep this in mind that remembers that the skin moisture ends with powder. If your skin is dry then do not use powder.

10 Beauty Tips for Face in Summer.

Drink plenty of water and be refreshed from the inside. It gets rid of dirt from the body and creates new cells in the body. You must drink two glass juices every day. This will bring nutrition to the skin and skin glow.

You wake up late night due to the work of the office and if your sleep is not complete in the morning, it can affect your skin. At least 8 hours in the night, you must sleep.

Oranges can help a lot in the glow of your skin. Drink juice of it, dry its peel and make paste of it. This will help to make the skin shine in every way.

Scrubbing the skin brings new skin and the old stains begin to soften. Scrabble 1 week a week.You should have facial 1 times a month. If it is regular, then your skin will look fresh, healthy and young. If you cannot go to paraler, at home and massage with cream.

1 Apply lemon on the face, stains is removed and the skin gets a glow.

2 Soak green tea and soak it in water and then apply it on the face. The face blackness will be gone.

3 Clean the rose water on face by night. The skin will glow with coolness.

4 Does not use bleach on face. It clears the face at that time, but in the future, bleach is in danger of deleting your skin. Mix lemon with honey.

5 Mix the dough with light water and bring it to the face. Leave for 10-15 minutes and then clean the face with cold water. This will remove the dead skin.

6 Peel the face on the face and spray raw potatoes on sun burn and rinse with light hands and then wash it with cold water.

7 Gray water will be filled with warm water in the warmth of gram flour like the rose water toner put the cotton in the face before sleeping on the face. In the heat, you can sometimes clean the face from snow too.

8 The less chemical creams or other products you use, the more the skin will not be scratched until the skin and your skin will look good without any makeup.

9. Wash your face at least 3 times in the days of the workers and your face should be mild.

10. Some people put a capsule of vitamin E on the face, most of all your skin will be very good for that time, but if you make it regular, then there is a risk of skin deformity.

Best Potato Juice for Skin Whitening, Fair, and Smooth Skin

Many dish made from potato will have eaten up till now, but do you know that it is also very beneficial for your skin and hair. It is similar to boon for every problem related to your skin like pimples, dark circles etc. Let us know how to use potato juice for hair and

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Ayurvedic Remedies for Stop Hair Fall Immediately and Regrowth

Hair has an important role in enhancing beauty. But when the care of the hair is negligent, hair problems begin to arise. Hair loss is such a problem, which can put stress on anyone. Today every other person has to cope with the problem of hair. The reasons for falling hair are not many, like stress, infection, hormones imbalance, insufficient nutrition, deficiency of vitamins and nutritional substances, side effects of medicines, negligence or poor care of hair, shampoo of poor quality Experiment and so on. Ayurvedic treatment of hair fall is also present and it has also been proven beneficial. Let's find out how Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial for hair loss.

 Ayurvedic treatment for hair

There are usually some problems in hair such as fall of hair, white hair, dandruff, head skin diseases, etc. But the problem of hair can be easily overcome by taking precautions.

Honey is capable of removing many diseases. Hair loss can also be stopped by the use of honey.

Cinnamon is also an effective way to remove the hair problem. According to Ayurveda many diseases can be cured by mixing cinnamon and honey.

mix a spoon of honey and a spoon of cinnamon powder in the hot olive oil and make a paste. Put this paste on the head before bathing and wash your head after some time. This will get rid of the problem of hair.

Massage is essential for oil for strong and healthy hair. Massage of the head nourishes hair roots and reduces hair loss.

Heat the henna leaf in sarson oil. Applying in cold hair, it can stop hair loss.

Add curd powder, curry powder to curd. Applying this mixture to hair is deep conditioning of hair.

Take care of hair care as well as food and drink. Eat more of fruits and vegetables. Mixing egg in honey is also good for hair health.

Grind leaves of neem and plum and put lemons and apply them and its constant use stops hair loss.

By adding lemon juice mixed with milk, continuous hair loss decreases.

Hair loss from green tea can be easily prevented.

The problem of hair loss can be overcome by medicinal and oil massaged herbs.

To prevent the problem of hair, massage of hair is considered essential in Ayurveda. In such a way, coconut oil or almond oil should massage the head well.

If you give up tobacco and other drug addiction, then your hair loss will stop automatically.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

13 Simple Home Remedies for Your Kids’ Stomach Pain

In the case of infants, for various reasons such as breastfeeding, fried food, allergies or lactose intolerance to certain foods, your child may complain of stomach ache. Apart from this, this time of year is called Ayurveda, which means that children are at risk of digestive diseases during this period due to seasonal changes and unbalanced bile or fire element. In your kitchen cabinet, easily available ingredients such as cumin, turmeric, rock salt or asafetida, manage stomach symptoms

The report says that 24 percent of children in India can be overweight. This is mainly due to the increase in the consumption of high food items in salt, sugar and fats, which is easily available to children. This has led to an increase in stomach aches, diarrhea, gas, constipation, cramps, acid reflux and other gastric issues between them logically. Ayurveda, as a system of knowledge, also provides a high degree of home remedies for gastric disorders.

According to Ayurveda, the imbalance in the three bioenergy-vat, bile and cotton in the gaushala can increase gastric problems. To make a person's constitution or nature, three faults are combined in different ratios. It includes all factors - physical, mental and emotional - which express the specificity of a person. The imbalance in the gall bladder is called the main cause of gastric problems and increases by eating junk, fried, processed and cold foods. Bile, or fire element, in the mind and body

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Treating Gastric Problems

1. Ghee on the asafoetida and stomach

Take 1 teaspoon asafoetida and mix it in 1 tsp ghee. Heat it until it's lukewarm. Formulation can be applied to the child's stomach four to five times a day until complete relief. It is particularly helpful in stomach pain.

2. Castor oil and asparagus

Take half a spoon of castor oil. Heat it until it's lukewarm. Put it on the Tummy area. After applying, cover the part with betel. Castor oil helps in the treatment of stomach-ache because it stimulates digestive system and improves the useful peristalic in relieving constipation. Castor oil leaves the gas and releases the bowel

3. Cumin and cumin seeds

Take 1 liter of water and put two spoon cumin seeds in it. Heat it and put the contents in a bottle. Ask the child to take a sip all day long. A bottle could also be kept with the child while going to school. It is helpful in better digestion.

4. Ginger and Hing Beans

Take a water of fresh ginger, hing and rock salt. Mix it in water. Boil it and put the ingredients in a bottle. SIP sap and drink

5. Recipe for constipation

Mix 1 tsp fresh ghee and in tsp salt in 1 and one quarter cup of hot water. stir well. Squeeze it slowly. It should be consumed after one hour of dinner.

6. Recipe for bloating

Toast 1 teaspoon fennel seeds and mix in 1 cup boiled water. Some pieces fresh ginger in boiled water, a pinch of hing.

7. Recipe for acid reflux

Combine 1/4 cup plain curd with 3/4 cups of water (or double it by keeping the same proportion). Mix well. Add 1 teaspoon rock salt, pinch cumin seeds (cumin seed), a little grated ginger and fresh coriander leaves.

8. Grind 1 inch ginger

Grind 1 inch ginger in 1 1/4 cup water. Boil it with a little fennel. After boiling it, add a pinch of turmeric powder. Stress and drink.

9. Curd

Curd is considered a very good pro-biotic. Plenty of lacto-basil, curd protects the child from irritable bowel disease and inflammatory bowel disease. However, it is advisable to take yogurt during the day as compared to night.

10. Turmeric, cumin and fennel

Adding turmeric, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, coriander and normally in the diet can help improve the overall digestive tract.

11. Babies burst

Burying the babies like lying on the back, when they are lying, can also be useful in treating stomach pain and leaving the gas.

12. Ayurvedic medicines which can help:

Hingwastak Churna: When rice can be added with 1 teaspoon of garlic. Aids and burns in good digestion.
Amrita Bindu: Take on an empty stomach 4-5 drops are mixed with water.
Amalaputari: The proprietary medicine is used for hyperasiditis.
Gastrointestinal: Helps strengthen digestion.
Aramada Arka: Add 4-5 drops every morning with lukewarm water.
Kumarisawa: improves the function of the liver. If the problem persists, a doctor should consult without delay. Every six months old will help children even better when their digestive system strengthens.

13. Yoga

Yoga and children
Some yoga sessions can also be useful to overcome stomach problems.
Pawanmukta Asana or Pawan Relief Mudrā
It is a very powerful pose that helps the whole digestive system and makes asana easy to practice. This is particularly helpful in addressing stomach pain.
In this situation, thighs are pressed against the stomach and the wrist or elbows are pressed. The neck is tilted towards the knees and if possible, the forehead or chin is touching the knees. The breath is looser.

Ayurvedic Remedies for stop hair fall immediately and Regrowth

Hair has an important role in enhancing beauty. But when the care of the hair is negligent, hair problems begin to arise. Hair loss is such a problem, which can put stress on anyone. Today every other person has to cope with the problem of hair. The reasons for falling hair are not many, like stress, infection, hormones imbalance, insufficient nutrition, deficiency of vitamins and nutritional substances, side effects of medicines, negligence or poor care of hair, shampoo of poor quality Experiment and so on. Ayurvedic treatment of hair fall is also present and it has also been proven beneficial. Let's find out how Ayurvedic treatment is beneficial for hair loss.

 Ayurvedic treatment for hair

Honey is capable of removing many diseases. Hair loss can also be stopped by the use of honey.

Cinnamon is also an effective way to remove the hair problem. According to Ayurveda many diseases can be cured by mixing cinnamon and honey.

If the hair falls, then mix a spoon of honey and a spoon of cinnamon powder in the hot olive oil and make a paste. Put this paste on the head before bathing and wash your head after some time. This will get rid of the problem of hair.

There are usually some problems in hair such as fall of hair, white hair, dandruff, head skin diseases, etc. But the problem of hair can be easily overcome by taking precautions.

Massage is essential for oil for strong and healthy hair. Massage of the head nourishes hair roots and reduces hair loss.

Heat the henna leaf in sarson oil. Applying in cold hair, it can stop hair loss.

Add curd powder, curry powder to curd. Applying this mixture to hair is deep conditioning of hair.

Take care of hair care as well as food and drink. Eat more of fruits and vegetables. Mixing egg in honey is also good for hair health.

Grind leaves of neem and plum and put lemons and apply them and its constant use stops hair loss.

By adding lemon juice mixed with milk, continuous hair loss decreases.

Hair loss from green tea can be easily prevented.

The problem of hair loss can be overcome by medicinal and oil massaged herbs.

To prevent the problem of hair, massage of hair is considered essential in Ayurveda. In such a way, coconut oil or almond oil should massage the head well.

If you give up tobacco and other drug addiction, then your hair loss will stop automatically.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Ayurvedic Remedy for Acne and Pimple

 The problem of Acne is due to changes in hormones in puberty. Acne is due to the hyperactivity and hormones of the cervix gland. If a lot of grains like acne on the face are done and are not cured for a long time, be cautious. It can be akin to Acne can be cured with Ayurvedic treatment. In fact, oil comes out from the Sibashas glands located below the skin to keep the skin moist. These glands are the most on face, back, chest and shoulders.

If this becomes more active, then the stomach gets clogged and the bacteria begin to flourish, which in turn leads to the cause of acne. The main reason for excessive hyperactivity of Sibeshas glands is excess of androgens hormone. Androgen is male sex hormone and it occurs in both boys and girls. It is more in adolescence. Let us tell you about Ayurvedic methods for the treatment of Acne.

 Problem of acne

Some girls come out of acne repeatedly before the periods, which can get worse as the form of acne. After such ovulation, progesterone also occurs due to excessive hormone accumulation. From this, the skin becomes like tiny bits of small grains. Similarly, the sebace generated from the sebaceous glands causes the skin pigment to block the pores and blackheads are formed. Whiteheads are formed if the sebum is stored in the inner layer of the skin. Blackheads and whiteheads sometimes break apart after exposure to the skin, which can spread more and more on the outer skin.

In fact, hormones are constantly changing in the tunez; the result is the problem of stains, spots, acne and acne on the face. Acne is a problem that is usually higher in teenage and puberty. Even if your mother or father has had this problem in your family even before, so you should be prepared to defend against this. Acne is a skin disorder. In a way, it is an impaired form of acne.


Grind chironji in the cow's fresh milk and apply it on the face and wash it on dry, it will get rid of the problem of acne.

Jasmine oil

Mix jasmine oil in Suhaga and put it on the face while sleeping at night. Wet the gram flour in water in the morning by putting it on a thick, thick face and wash the face with water. This will give great relief on the burning sensation on the face.

Masoor lentils

Take 2 teaspoons of lentils and grind them fine. Mix a little milk and ghee in it and make a thin paste. Put this paste on acne.


Nutmeg is also very beneficial to remove acne. For this, pour water on a clear stone and throw nicely on the nipple.

Other Ayurvedic Measures

 Mix 10-10 grams of pure typography and potency (available in Ayurvedic shops) and fill them in a vial. Put a little powder and honey well on the nail-peas.

Lodh, Wacha and Coriander, grate the three 50-50 grams of fine flour and fill them in the vial. Mix one spoonful of powder with some milk and make the paste and apply on the nail-acne. Wash with water after half an hour.

Mix white mustard, laddha, wacha and sandha with 25-25 grams of fine powder and mix it in a vial. Mix one spoon powder into the water and apply on the nail-acne.

Mix lentils, bot trees (soft little leaves), laddra, red sandal, all 10-10 grams of fine powder. Make a paste by grinding it with a spoonful of water. Put it on the nail-acne.

Along with Ayurveda treatment, it is important to keep facial cleanliness in order to avoid the problem of acne, so wash the face repeatedly with water. Minimize make-up and use waterproof makeup in the summer.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Beauty Tips Fairness: instant fairness face pack at home

Fairness Beauty: People use expensive skin care products to make facial complexes that are harmful to sensitive skin. But, today we will teach you to create some natural face packs that work like magic on the face.

Natural Face Packs for Skin Whitening. Everybody wants to look beautiful and craze is not only seen in women but also in men. Due to dark spots and pigmentation on face Due to dust and pollution, the face glow is also scraped.

Today we will teach you to create some natural face packs which work like magic on the face. With these home remedies you will begin to see the effect in your face in just 10 minutes. So let us know how to make these face packs to make the face clean and fair.

 These 5 natural face packs will make the face fair in 10 minutes

1. Milk cream has

Creamy nutrition and mineral in cream, which makes skin tone bright. To make this pack, mix 1 pinch of turmeric in 1 spoon of cream and put it on the face. After 15 minutes, clean the face by rubbing the pack by putting light water on the face. Do this twice in a week.

2. Tomato and lemon 

Mix a few drops of lemon juice in tomato and lemon tomato pulp. Then put it on the face and dry it. Wash the face later. This pack is highly effective on sensitive skin.

3. Mix gram flour and curd 

Mix gram flour and curd to remove the blackness of the face and mix gram flour, turmeric and curd. After 15 minutes scrub the face and wash it with cold water. This makes facial pores clean from inside and the face starts to look fair in a few minutes.

4. Orange Peel Powder

To make this pack, first make the powder by grinding dry orange peels. Then mix brown sugar and rose water in it. Scrub it on the face in the face and then wash the face with water. Doing this will remove your dead skin, the face will become clean and the skin glow.

5. Sandalwood powder

is no answer to sandal powder in making blonde face. To make the pack, mix half pinch of turmeric and 4 drop almond oil in half teaspoon sandalwood powder. Next, mix this pack and mix it on the face. It will nurture the face and remove the dark spot and return the face colour.