A Boons for life

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Power Foods That Boost Immunity

The- secrets- to- strong - immunity

Your immune system is your natural defense against disease and infection. It is a complex system that must be in balance for you to stay healthy and feel your best. Many factors including stress, poor diet, vitamin deficiency, illness and exposure to environmental pollutants can compromise your immune system and make it weak and inefficient. Your immune system is also responsible for warding off coughs, cold or flu and also determines your rate of recovery if you happen to fall ill to any of these. Western medicine leans towards treating symptoms and not the cause, but more people are seeking out alternative medicine options to treat the whole body and focus on prevention and staying in a state of natural balance. It is this natural balance that will keep you feeling healthy and contribute to your overall sense of well being.

 Key Players in Your Immune System

Understanding the key players in your immune system will give you insight into how your body’s systems work together to maintain homeostasis, or balance. Even as long as 2,000 years ago, Chinese doctors referred to the immune system as “defensive energy”. It is the largest system in your body with approximately one fourth to one half of your body’s cells completely dedicated to the functions of this system.

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• The thymus gland is an immune specific gland located near your throat. It produces cells and hormones that help to regulate your immune system.

• The spleen, located in the upper abdomen is a lymphatic organ that not only acts as a blood storage receptacle, but also rids the body of bacteria.

• The kidneys flush your blood of toxins and waste
• The intestines rid the body of solid waste.

• The liver, a pivotal player in the immune system, is the main organ responsible for filtering toxins out of your blood, getting rid of “used” cells.

• The lymphatic system runs in tandem with your circulatory system. It acts as the waste removal system for your body. As your immune system acts to destroy unwanted organisms in your body, the lymphatic system directs the waste to the necessary organs that filter and flush it out of your body.

Five Ways to Improve Your Immune System

• Get a good night’s sleep

• Drink plenty of water

• Exercise regularly

• Take a good multivitamin

• Make healthy food choices

Eat Your Way to Health

A balanced diet is one of the best defenses against disease and infection. There are many foods that contain healing and immune strengthening properties. The benefits of some of these foods are just now being recognized in Western medicine. Chinese and Ayurvedic medical practitioners and doctors have known about these benefits for centuries and have prescribed herbs and certain foods for the treatment of illness. Not only are they good for you but they taste good, too!


strong immunity

One of the most powerful groups of foods is the alliums. Members of this powerhouse group include garlic, onions of all colors, scallions and leeks. These foods contain antimicrobial properties, and help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Of these, garlic is the most effective. It is sold as an over the counter remedy in Germany and is taken by many people in the United States and Australia as a dietary supplement. In 1895 Louis Pasteur proved that garlic kills bacteria. Onions have antibacterial, ntiviral and immune stimulating properties. Add garlic and onions to your recipes to boost your immune system and add delicious flavour.


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Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and warming qualities. It has been used in Asia for thousands of years and its benefits are nowbeing recognised worldwide as more people look for natural alternatives to chemical remedies. When used with garlic and onions, ginger works synergistically on your body to provide the support you need to help your immune system remain balanced and strong. Garlic, onions and ginger are the trinity of ingredients in most healing recipes in Ayurvedic medicine.


The- secrets- to- strong - immunity

Capsaicin, the active ingredient in chillies, raises body temperature, helping to ward off disease and kill bacteria and viruses that may try to invade your system. Cayenne pepper used in Cajun and many Asian recipes is also very high in capsaicin. Red peppers, jalapeno, habenero and many other peppers can be added to your food to obtain spicy heat and body warming benefits. Since most of the heat resides in the ribs and seeds, to begin with choose a mild pepper and omit those parts until you can stand more heat.

Strengthening your immunity can be as basic as combining a healthy diet with simple lifestyle improvements. Taking small steps can often lead to massive health gains in the long term.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing immunity care using home remedies, For this treatment Immunity Herbal Supplements are helpful. Because the herbal supplement are safe for our body.
