A Boons for life

Thursday, February 28, 2019

5 Easily Weight Loss Tips

Due to poor lifestyle and bad eating habits, there are not only diseases but also the body's obesity increases. Every other person in India today is upset with his stomach. Due to obesity, there is an impact on blood pressure, diabetes and even kidney. There are many people who spend hours in the gym to reduce obesity and eat tasteless food.

But do you know that you can reduce the weight of around 1 kg in 1 day. Yes, by making slight changes in your normal routine life, you can easily reduce weight by 1 kilo. You do not have to get too involved in this and will remain in the stomach by staying a little alert.

Losing weight or lowering the stomach is not as difficult as it is usually understood. Here are the tricks you can help to reduce your dropout in 1 day. If you remain alert about these things, then comfortably feel the weight difference in one day.

1. Do not eat Sugar

Should reduce the intake of sugary items to lose weight. To reduce obesity, you should make a distance from sugars made of sweet and chocolate, because they slow down your body's metabolism.

2. in the diet,

Protein is contributing significantly to the reduction of protein obesity. If you cannot eat non-veg, then take cottage cheese, curd, pulses and red gram for protein. Protein suppresses your appetite, which reduces the desire to eat repeatedly.  

3. Consume of green tea,

Obesity can be reduced by increasing body metabolism. For this you should consume Green Tea twice a day. By doing this the fat will burn faster.

4. Daily Exercise

To reduce obesity, keeping the body active is very important. If you have time to get fat, jogging or stairs, burn fat.

5. Drink

Hot water it is extremely important to drink hot water to take out the body's dirt. Metabolism will start growing when your body becomes detox and you will start to become slim.

Easy Tips for Fast Weight Loss

To get rid of weight it is not necessary that you make dieting. You can also choose some healthy tips for weight loss, which can be both fit and healthy. To reduce the weight loss, you should adopt a method that allows you to stay fit and fresh. The best way to lose weight is to make your diet chart or take a diet that will help you lose weight. Let's learn some easy tips for fast weight loss.

It is important for weight loss to start exercising. At the beginning whether you reduce exercise, but later extend its time.

Be sure to do a warm up before exercising. In this you can stretch the body, jump or walk. This will bring hotness in your body and you will be able to do the running-jumping-leisure exercises comfortably.

Keep water with you at the time of exercise, so that you do not get tired quickly and do not breathe.

You wake up in the morning and drink a glass of lemon and honey in a glass of lukewarm water daily.

Do not eat junk foods and things outside of chocolate, cakes, toffee, ice cream, candy etc. at all.

Dessert may be your favorite but to lose weight fast, you must forget about sweet, sugar, and salt, or reduce their quantity.

In the food you do not eat potatoes, rabbi, crispy etc. in the vegetables and also eat rice and eat it out.

Drink water one hour or one hour after eating it.

Do not sit immediately after eating food but walk for a while; if you have eaten additional calories while eating, then it will burn after stroll.

Do not over-eat all at all to finish the meal.

Finish breakfast. If you are working then it is very important to have breakfast or else you will feel hungry before lunch, then you will not be able to stop yourself without eating some snacks which is helpful in increasing obesity.

If you are hungry, instead of eating some snacks you can eat salad carrots, cucumbers, cucumber granules, salads, pomegranate, roasted snacks, etc.

Eat food at least one and a half hours before sleeping at night and do not forget to walk after eating.

 By adopting these tips, you can reduce your weight faster without any additional effects.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Chakras in Human Body and Their Functions

Activating your chakras, you will be able to flow with positive energy and advance with good health and good intentions. These chakras are directly connected to each other, maintained by the endocrine system, which creates different power levels by forming a relationship between the lightweight zone and the. This energy is physically absorbed into the body and can affect the body


The Saharan cycle is called 'Crown Chakra' in English, which is on the head and brain. If the Crown Chakra is not active, diseases like Parkinson's, Schizophrenia, Epilepsy, Sinel Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, mental disorders, chaos and drowsiness.

Agna Chakra

The Agna cycle is known as 'the bro chakra' in English, which is in the center of the forehead. It's the second of seven cycles. If the Agna cycle is not active, stress, headache, migraine, vision deficiency, glucoma, cataract, pelvis and ear problems.


The relentless cycle is in the throat and lung area. It is the third of seven cycles. If the cycle is not active, thyroid problems may be more or less active, the anxiety (the peril cycle problem, but it is related to the primary throat cycle), the asthma, the lungs, the hearing and the bone problems. They also connect to the problems associated with the azlan cycle, this causes digestive system, mouthpiece, throat ulcer.

Anaatah Chakra

The simplicity cycle is also known as the 'heart cycle'. It is near the heart. It is the fourth of seven cycles. Allergies and breast cancer can be attributed to the fact that the adjuvant cycle is not functional: cardiovascular diseases and immunological diseases: Mayilzia, Encyclopa molitus - sometimes lead to long-term fatigue, immunity, and allergies and breast cancer.


The Manipura cycle is also known as 'Solar Plexus Chakra' in English, which is close to the liver, spleen and stomach. Fifth of the seven cycles. If the Manipura cycle is not active, diabetes, pancreatitis, liver disease, peptic ulcers, pulmonary disease and kidney stones can be triggered.


The Swadisthana cycle is also known as 'sakrale cycle' in English, which is in the area of ​​pregnancy, prostate, uterine and testosterone. It's six in seven cycles. If the auto confirming cycle is not active, premature menstrual problems, problems with ulcerative secretion, uterine cysts, pregnancy cysts, stroke failure, endometriosis, testicular disease, and prostate disease.


The root cycle is called 'the base cycle' in English, and the bottom of the spinal cord. The last cycle of seven cycles is that the constipation cycle is not functional, which causes constipation, Diarrhea, piles, legs and fingertips cooling, frequent urine, hypertension (hypertension), kidney stones, lack of sexual lactation, and buttock problems.

10 Effective Magical Health Benefits by Meditation

Meditation is not just a religious experience. You can say that this is spirituality but it is a way to improve your health primarily. Meditation has many health benefits that you do not know. Meditation is not only mental and emotional health improvement, but Meditation has a lot of physical health benefits. Because your emotional health affects your physical health fit
Meditation can be relieved by stress. Meditation is an essential way to reduce stress in current days. Meditation is not just for mental and physical health, but also for weight loss and meditation to help prevent stress and anxiety disorders. But it is important to know how to do meditation properly. In a straight procedure.

Meditation at the right time can result in many health benefits. Otherwise, this exercise is a waste of time. That means that your concentration may not be somewhere else while maintaining Meditation, keep your mind steady. Other ideas should be made during meditation. Do not do things like phone calls, checking e-mails. You need to spend a lot of time to meditation.

Medication can be avoided as natural and efficient as problems such as insomnia and depression. Other health benefits of Meditation are as follows ... Stress Relief,Helps sleep  Controls anger It helps with easy labor It helps  Reduces Blood Pressure Keeps the emotions consistent Avoid breathing problems

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Health Benefits of Bananas

Due to the abundance of filament in bananas, it is helpful to clean the stomach.

Burning of skin or mosquito bites on the inner part of the banana peel that if rubbing on the place, the irritation becomes calm and the redness of mosquito bites is removed.

Regular banana benefits both body and mind.

People who want to quit smoking should take banana after a short period of time so that the body can be helped to get rid of nicotine.

Due to iron in bananas, anemia patients can regulate it. Increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood regularly consumes banana.

The inner part of the banana peel acts as a face pack on the skin. This causes nail, acne, chest and stains - the stains are clear. Rubbing the inside part of the direct skin can rub on the neck, face and arms. Skin will sprout.

Banana is antiseptic. Heals the heart's irritation.

Eat Carrots For Skin And Beauty Health Benefits

The Carrots looks nice in the color of the eye. Nutritionists say that if you can eat it on a daily basis, you can avoid many unhealthy problems. Digestive problems such as ulcers and gas are in control. It's not just the constipation comes within two months. 

Its high the beta carotene available in doses become vitamin A. It serves as a key to keeping calories healthy. It sends out the toxins in the body. Anti septic also reduces the actions of the body. Nails and hair grows well, and gives freshness to the skin. Get a good shine habit of eating karate daily

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Ayurvedic Remedies For Improving Digestion

Digestion is a problem that is present in most people. Due to the changing weather conditions and lifestyles, digestion problem is rising. Rice is rare, gastric and gastric problems. To get rid of them, did not have to go to the pharmacy shop. Home can be checked with digestive problems through simple Ayurvedic methods. Let's see now

1. Drink hot water all day. Take even hot water when dinner.

2. Do not take any other tasks while eating. Take food under a good environment and take food. Do not watch TV while eating.

3. Take a small ginger piece, fresh lemon juice before meals.

4. A glass of lassi is good when it is lunch at midday meal.

5. Fill in soft drinks, ice cream & zwnj; cool food items.

6. Make lunch in the afternoon. But take dinner for a while. Dinner is better than 8 in the night.

7. Relax after a meal. Breathe well. Walk on it a little bit.

If you do this daily, your digestive system can do well. Abdominal, gastric, stomach and other abdominal problems are solved.

Friday, February 08, 2019

Yoga Health Benefits

The benefits of yoga. Everyday yoga makes our mind peacefully. And we can have good health. Yoga makes many benefits to our body and mind. Our body is yorking at different angles and our body has a beautiful shape. In the same way, we get the peace of mind in Yoga doing quietly. Thus yoga helps us to keep our body and our mind together in a healthy life. You can see the benefits of doing such a yoga.

Peace of mind:

Every day morning yoga makes our thinking increases. And our mind is calm in this period there is a lot of work for everyone, and the lack of happiness in life is lacking in life. So everyday yoga will reduce our stress.

Blood flow:

When yoga is done, we give the body a lot of motion. This will make our blood flow smoothly. Our brain's performance is high.

Energy for the body:

Without any illness in our body, we can get many times in the happiness. It is not enough to follow good food practices like this every day yoga should be done. This is great for body mind and good health.

But in today's time, a lot of food items that are sold in stores and eating fat-eating foods comes from the belly. This can be reduced by yoga. You can easily reduce your caps by performing yoga like Naukasana and Ushatrasana.

Yoga acts as an excellent pain killer. Working in one place is essential for daily yoga this will prevent muscle relaxation and blood circulation will be smooth. So people who have heart problems will get good results.

Mental stress:

Hard worker and Soft worker everyday yoga makes them feel comfortable. Yoga is a great relief for people who are not at peace with stress.

Balanced breathing:

Yoga makes good breath training. The blood flow to the heart will be smooth. This makes the body active.


Yoga can cure cardiovascular disease. By doing yoga daily, the blood flow will change and our heart is safe Yoga makes a good steady breathing because the heart works properly. This will reduce brain problems.

Thursday, February 07, 2019

Foods are Essential For the Thyroid Gland

The lifestyle that has changed in these days is suffering from a thyroid problem throughout the world. These problems are two types of hypo and hyperthyroidism. This causes many types of illnesses. Some foods must be taken to get rid of these problems. If you are taking regular foods every day regularly, you can easily get out of this problem.


Vitamin D in yogurt is rich in probiotics, and the thyroid gland works properly. Furthermore, it increases the imbalances in the thyroid gland as it develops good bacteria in the digestive tract.


The essential nutrition for the body is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fish. They regulate digestion. This will remove the thyroid problem.

Olive oil

Dietary fats and antioxidants that play a key role in our body metabolism in olive oil regulate metabolism as a rich source of antioxidants. This will remove the thyroid problem.

Green tea

Green tea absorbs antioxidants in the body and releases unwanted fat cells in the body. As fat is melted, this fat turns into liver energy. This leads to metabolic regulation, which removes the thyroid problem.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Facts About Nutritional Value Of Fruits And Vegetables

In this natural event, there is a lot to learn about your nutrition. Colourful fruits and vegetables have been shown to contain more food minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, bioflavonoid and other nutrients that support balanced food.

If you remember the colours of your food, it's easy to find out what to eat and what to avoid. Here's a simple, easy guide for you,

Purple & Blue

All foods containing blue / purple pigments such as jamun (Indian plum), damson plums, beets, purple grape and purple cabbage have antioxidant compounds that protect your body from pre-radios that damage your cells (damaging cells and providing you with age vision). Your physiological engine helps you to operate easily.


Chlorophyll found in green tattoos has anti-and anti-toxic properties. In addition, chlorophyll pigmented green leaves contain carotenoids, bioflavonoids, vitamins and organic mineral resources. In short, a healthy, long life is a medicine!

Yellow & Orange

These colored fruits and vegetables are predominantly immune to increased carotenoids. Orange foods like carrots, pumpkins, yellow capsicums, mangoes, papaya and cape goose berries (ras bare in north India) are the best and best option for you.


Natural foods come in red colour lipobind.These have been shown to prevent heart disease and prostate cancer. In addition they prevent tissue degeneration. Tomatoes, watermelons, pink fruits, walnut fruit and pink kaiyyas are definitely to be taken. Cooked tomatoes are also beneficial (when they heat the lipophene when warming) so tomato sauce, tomato paste and tomato puree are good.

Avoid white

A rainbow does not have whitish colour, as well as in your diet too! We must avoid white powder, salt, sugar and butter with this pale colour. The main component of the simplest carbohydrates is refined white sugar, which makes it unhealthy for your digestive system and rapidly affects your digestive system

Saturday, February 02, 2019

17 Quick Tips to Increase Your Health and Fitness Benefits

1 Tremendous fitness

You do not have to sweat in the gym to get health and tremendous fitness. You can achieve some of the easy steps you can make in your routine to get better fitness. Let's know some similar measures that will keep you fit.

2 Breakfast will keep energy rich

Healthy Breakfast is very important in the morning. If you do not have breakfast properly, you have to face many problems like fatigue and weight gain.

3 Have breakfast in the morning

From today you must include two bananas in your breakfast. By eating only two bananas in the daily breakfast, you will be energetic throughout the day. Also, you will also be protected from your heart diseases.

4 Ten Minute Exercise

Take just 10 minutes for yourself in the morning. In these 10 minutes, go to the park and do whatever you like from light races, yoga, body weight exits etc.

5 Burn Calories Burn

Do not use the lift in the office, but use the stairs. With this you will be able to burn extra calories in the body.

6 Keep this thing in dinner

You should always try that you must have dinner at eight o'clock in the night. Eat as little as possible in dinner. Apart from this, you should not eat any sweet at night.

7 Frozen Food once a week

If you feel very much at eating fest meals, then set a day for it and enjoy fest food on this day. By eating more fat food you become victim of obesity.

8 Massage Watch

Once a week, massage the hair and whole body. You can use mustard oil, olive and coconut oil for massage. Massage is beneficial in many ways as well as strengthening your muscles.

9 Removal time to rotate

Do not be a machine to earn money, but with your whole family, go out for some days in two or three months for a few days. In the meantime, enjoy the picnic full from the tension of the office work.

10 Five minutes of meditation

Any time you take your meditation for five minutes at any time throughout the day, definitely do it. During this, just focus on your breaths. This will reduce your stress and improve your work.

11 Eat plenty of salad

Eat raw ingredients in the food. Eat as much as possible of salad with food. Include sprouts and pulses in the food.

12 Get up early in the morning

Make a habit of getting up early in the morning and sleeping early in the night. By doing just that, more than half of your health related problems will be removed.

13 Seasonal Fruit Consumption

By consuming more than seasonal fruits, you keep away from diseases. Include these fruits in your breakfast and lunch. You can also consume their juice.

14 Include dry fruits in snacks

Include dry fruits in morning and evening snacks. During this, consuming dry fruits in a certain amount of time is good for your health.

15 Drink plenty of water

Drink a minimum of three to four litres of water in the summer season or winter day. Drinking less water can cause us many types of diseases
16 Do not drink water after eating

Leave the habit of drinking water immediately after eating food. This does not digest your food properly. There should be a gap of at least 30 to 50 minutes to eat food and drink water.

17 Avoid cold water from the fridge

Do not drink cold frozen cold water at all by coming from heat, it weakens your body. Always drink fresh water in the fridge water.

Health benefits of pomegranate fruit juice for weight loss

Almost all fruit juices are beneficial for keeping the body fit and healthy, but pomegranate juice typically helps in weight loss, pomegranate should be included in your diet plan. Eating pomegranate reduces the fat around the stomach. Pomegranate juice has many health benefits. Pomegranates are mainly found in vitamins A, C, E, folic acid and anti oxidants. Let's know about the health benefits of pomegranate.

Blood is administered in the body every day with pomegranate juice.

Pomegranate is less likely to cause breast cancer and lung cancer.

Pouring of pomegranate can also reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Pomegranates remove iron deficiency in the blood and rid of diseases such as anaemia.

Pomegranate consumption also reduces the possibility of prostate cancer.

Pomegranate should also be included in its diet for proper diet in summer. It provides relief in digestive problems, as well as regular arteries with regular intake.

Pomegranate comes in the skin, so you can also consume pomegranate juice for healthy skin.

Pomegranate can be found to prevent dental problems.

Those pregnant women who consume pomegranate juice, their child is healthy and strong.
People suffering from pomegranate get rid of the disease called Alzheimer's disease.

There are many benefits to drinking pomegranate or pomegranate juice in this way. To stay longer and more energetic, pomegranate juice should be regularly consumed.

How To Get Naturally Beautiful Nails Home Remedies

The young women are very fond of stretching the nails. Long and shaped nails show fingers attractive and beautiful. But many girls' nails grow as soon as they break down. If your nails grow slowly and break apart, then you can adopt these home remedies. These remedies will help your nails grow faster and look beautiful.

Orange juice:

Place the orange juice on your nails for ten minutes and then wash hands with lukewarm water. By doing this for a few days your nails will grow soon.

Olive Oil:

They grow fast even after massaging nails with olive oil. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E which nourishes the nails and increases the blood flow to the nails.


Garlic is a great way to increase the nails. Cut the garlic in two pieces and massage it on your nails for 10 minutes. By doing so, your nails will grow up much in a few days.